Sending Messages: Monitor the status of your message (Twilio Docs).Making Calls: Get call status events during a call (Twilio Docs).Here are two examples for adding callbacks to your application: Storing Twilio’s callback responses may allow you to query your server(s) locally, instead of performing additional GET requests. Implement StatusCallBack requests into your application for the resource endpoint you are utilizing.If you are submitting a significant number of HTTP GET requests to our REST API, please consider one or more of the following: twilio max send attempts reached | HTTP 429, or Error code 20429. If you need more than 400 message senders in a single Messaging Service, please contact Twilio Support about a Messaging Service sender pool limit increase. Requesting to increase sender pool limit for a Messaging Service. >delete() twilio api concurrency limit per account Print($rate_limit->uniqueName) Delete a Rate Limit verify->v2->services("VAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") "description" => "A much better description"

} Update a Rate Limit verify->v2->services("VAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") Print($rate_limit->uniqueName) List all Rate Limits verify->v2->services("VAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") >rateLimits("RKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

Print($rate_limit->sid) Fetch a Rate Limit verify->v2->services("VAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") "description" => "Limit on end user IP Address"

>create("end_user_ip_address", // uniqueName